Friday, March 15, 2013

Who should vote?

Who should vote? I don't think there will ever be a correct answer to this question. We try and put certain limitations on voting such as age and citizenship. I do think this is appropriate, but there are still many citizens that are of age that shouldn't be anywhere near the voting ballots. Yes, I do think citizens should have the right to vote, but some just don't educate themselves enough before voting. Some don't even know the correct way to fill out a ballot! If someone doesn't even know how to correctly fill out a voting ballot, I don't think they should be electing the officials to run our country or even the state. This may be wrong to say but in some places maybe a competence test should be required before citizens can get to the polls? Our country is a reflection of the people in it and if they aren't demonstrating that they are educated before they vote then eventually other countries are not going to take us seriously.

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