Friday, March 15, 2013


When looking at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights during class... There were a few that I thought we do not uphold to. Take article one for example, we don't exactly treat all human beings with equal dignity and rights. Whether we want to believe it or not, there is still a great deal of racism and inequality in the world, not just in the United States. The part that bothers me the most is article 16. Although it does not specifically state that men and women have the right to marry whatever sex they prefer, it does say without limitations due to religion. In some religions it is not illegal for the same sex to marry and I do not think it should be illegal anywhere. I believe that all humans should have the right to marry whoever they want and I think it's wrong to deny anyone of that. I think government officials and leader will try and find any loopholes they can to make it so they have more control over the people. I don't think all these rights will ever truly be upheld.

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