Monday, February 18, 2013

The Impact of Borders

Borders shape the the world is made, both physically and politically. Borders may define whether a state is republican or democratic, there may be language borders or even ethnic borders. Borders don't always mean physical boundaries. There are borders for almost everything! One part of a state might strictly be supporting a certain sports team, while another part of the state supports the rival team. This forms a border and a difference of opinion among the people of the state. Religious borders also exist too and form a difference of opinion.
Sometimes these borders don't coincide and conflict can arise. Conflict between sports team supporters, political disputes, and especially religious disputes can arise. Another example is gang borders. This creates lots of problems when gangs don't get along and almost always results in conflict. In conclusion, borders don't always have to be physical. They can have a huge impact on an area as as well.